Heinz Stucke - The man who wanted to see it all

Am citit pe net povestiri despre mai multe calatorii cu bicicleta pe distante mari (ex. Londra -> Sydney). Zilele acestea am aflat povestea unui om care a facut mai mult, a vizitat toate tarile lumii pe bicicleta. A facut peste 539.000 km pe bicicleta din 1962 cand a pornit, a vizitat 192 de tari pedaland intre 80-120 de km pe zi (chiar si in zilele cand mergea cu vaporul de pe un continent pe altul, mergea cu bicicleta pe punte cate 20-30 de km).
De unde a avut bani? Donatii de la prieteni, vanzari de brosuri cu poze si aventuri, o perioada a avut un contract cu o firma din Londra la care le trimitea poze si pentru care primea 3-5000$ pe an.
Postez aici rezumatul, asa cum apare pe wikipedia:
“In 1962, the 22-year-old Stücke quit his work as a tool- and die-maker and rode out of his home town, Hövelhof, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, on a three-speed bicycle, with a plan to see the world. He has never since returned to Hövelhof, stating that his extraordinary desire to travel has been partly motivated by his not wanting to return home to his factory work and "the very small-minded people" of his village.
In the early 1980s, after two decades on the road, Stücke decided to attempt to visit every country in the world. By 2006 he had cycled more than 539,000 kilometres (335,000 miles) since 1962, and had visited 192 countries.”
Povestea lui o gasiti pe
O fraza mi-a placut in mod special:
“I cannot recommend that everyone should do as I have done. It depends on the individual. Anyone can do it. Determination, consistency and imagination are more important than mere physical ability. You have to forget about comforts and having a family. You have to do it early, before you have responsibilities and before you became a slave to your environment. You have to be completely free."


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4 comentarii:

Alex spunea... citit. Poate chiar m-as uita la o emisiune pe Discovery despre nenea Stucke.

Dar ma opresc aici, mai departe nu mai inteleg. Poate la fel cum nu-i inteleg pe cei ce asculta heavy metal si cum intra ei in transa pe niste sunete (care mie imi par racnete), tot asa nu pot intelege satisfactia acestui om in a-si petrece viata pe inteleg, dar daca el e fericit, bravo lui.

Da-i 'nainte nene, mai baga o pedala ! :)

embevolter spunea...

Oricum, interesanta viata de pe saua lui Stucke.

Dani spunea...

Un mic update:

Dani spunea...

Un interviu recent (februarie 2010) cu Heinz

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