The old dj says: "Everything will start today"
Then "Besame mucho" softly fades away.
As fresh roasted coffee steams by a croisan
You wake up stupid. Your work has to be done!
The balmy breeze caressing all your body,
Old world seagulls gliding by the sun,
The beach, the sea is calling everybody.
Now cut the crap, you'll have to get your work done!
You dreamily get through the rowdy office
Thinking of what else in life you could have done,
The monitor flicks open. There is an email notice.
"Is it not your FUCKING work already done?"
3 comentarii:
Foarte urbana poezie... si o pui si intr-o zi de sambata.
N-ai mai zis nimic de intalnirea de 10 ani...any news despre Ana Maria Slev Pop Lupu?
Inspirata de bestiala poezie infantila "Go the Fuck to Sleep". Am pus-o la cald ca sa nu ma razgandesc.
In ziua de luni se potriveste de minune... dupa un week-end relaxant
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